Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation, INC., Logo Robert and Joan Dircks

How To Apply

To apply for a grant, go to

All Letters of Intent (LOI), Proposals and Grant Follow-Up Reports will be submitted online through our Grant Management Program.

Step 1

The first step is to determine eligibility (See Funding Guidelines).  If the criteria are met, click on the “APPLY” link (at the bottom of this page).

Step 2

If you have already established an account, sign in, if not, create a new account.  If you do not have the login information for your organization, please contact the Foundation at

Step 3

Once you reach your organization’s “dashboard”, you can begin the application process (click on “Apply” in the upper left hand side of the page) and fill out the Letter of Intent (LOI).  The LOI provides the initial information needed by the review board. 

Within one week, the organization will be contacted regarding the status of the LOI.  If you are not asked to fill out a grant proposal, you can reapply in future years.

Step 4

If a full grant proposal is requested, return to your account and you will have been given access to the application.  Complete the application online and upload any required attachments.  It is important to be concise and provide all the information requested.

Step 5

A site visit or phone interview may be requested.  The Foundation will contact you.

Step 6

The Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation Board review proposals five times a year: January, April, June, August and November.  Listed below are the 2025 dates for each meeting and date that proposals must be submitted for review at each meeting.

Board Meeting

February 6
April 17
June 12
September 25
November 20

Proposal Submission Deadline

January 20 
April 1
May 26 
September 4
November 3

 » Robert E. Dircks  » Thomas C. Dircks  » Joan Dircks Walsh  » William C. Dircks  » Carolyn Dircks Van Riper

After each board meeting, an acknowledgement regarding the status of the application will be e-mailed to the organization.  The acknowledgement states whether the request has been approved or declined.  If the application is approved, the acknowledgement will state the grant amount awarded, the program or project being funded and the timing of when the grant will be mailed.

Step 7

All organizations that are recipients of a grant are required to complete a Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation Follow-Up Report within a year of the grant being awarded. The follow-up report can be accessed through your organization’s online account.
